An unlimited number of claims up to the purchase price of your vehicle covers all ‘Mechanical' and 'Electrical' components including ‘Wear & Tear’ coverage.
Vehicles must be serviced to manufacturers requirements, or the warranty will be invalid.
You can transfer the warranty to a new owner, subject to payment of £25.
No refund after 14 days (£35 payable if cancelled within 14 days).
Claims Process
Authority must be obtained before repairs commence. In the first instance, please call 0870 766 2786. Book your vehicle in with an agreed repairer, the garage will then call Auto Protect, or gain access to the claim through Auto Protects iClaim system, with a breakdown of repair costs and gain the authority to carry out the repair.
Auto Protect will pay up to £30 per day for a hire car for up to 7 days. This does not apply for the first 24 hours or whilst the garage is awaiting parts. Auto Protect will pay up to £100 towards recovery of your car to the nearest repairer. Auto Protect will also pay up to £60 towards hotel accommodation or rail tickets.