Eastern Western Motor Group History

A message from our Chairman & Chief Executive Officer...

The Eastern Western Motor Group was established in 1927 by my late father, John Brown, who began operating from a small rented lock up in Edinburgh and traded under the name JOHN BROWN & CO.
As the business started to grow, he moved to larger premises in Tollcross in Edinburgh in 1933. In 1954, he bought the Eastern Motor Company which traded from George Street in the centre of Edinburgh.
He saw the large weather vane that sat on the top of St George’s Church on George Street and adopted it as his company emblem. The weather vane is still used today as our Group motif.
When my father died in 1981, the company operated from 4 sites, employed 150 staff and turned over around £17 million which back then was considered quite a large business.
If we roll forward to today, we operate from over 40 sites, employ over 1600 people and the Group’s turnover is in excess of £850 million.
I am obviously very proud of how the Group has grown with many of the world’s top brands, but this has only been achieved with the hard work and dedication from a truly committed and fantastic team of employees.
Our vision is to continue to grow and develop the Group, predominantly with existing brand partners in new geographical territories and in doing so, we will always strive to develop the finest facilities for our colleagues and customers alike.
To be able to deliver on this vision, we will employ the best staff for all positions to ensure we always deliver an outstanding customer experience.
In doing so we are a company that is totally committed to being “Brilliant at the BASICS”.

- Douglas John Brown (Chairman & Chief Executive Officer)

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