How to keep your dog safe in the car in hot weather

Sunny days can be a problem when you have a furry friend to look after – especially when you know you need to drive them somewhere.

Ideally, the less time your dog spends in a car on a hot day the better but if you need to get them from A to B, we have some handy tips for helping them keep cool.

Keeping your dog safe in a hot car

If you do have to take a trip, there are a few things you can do to help keep your dog safe, such as:

Using air con to pre-cool the car

Because cars can get very hot when they’ve been sitting in the sun, it can be a good idea to switch the air con on to cool everything down before you set off.

Taking regular breaks

To help your dog regulate its body temperature, be sure to take breaks as often as you can. Get out the car and spend time somewhere shady.

Avoid travelling at peak heat

Be sure to avoid the times of the day when heat is at its peak to ensure that the car is more comfortable for your dog. Early mornings can be one of the coolest times to drive.

Consider grooming your dog

If your dog has a long or thick coat, this could leave them less able to cool down in hot weather. A trim can be helpful.

Have water with you at all times

A bottle of water and a collapsible water bowl should be part of your summer kit, because you want to make sure your dog is able to have a drink regularly.

Buy a cooling mat

Laying a cooling mat down for your dog can help them stay a little cooler and more comfortable when you’re on the road.

Fit your windows with sun screens

Sun screens can cut down on the mount of sun that’s able to get into your car, reducing the overall heat as well as cutting down glare.

Watch out for the signs of heatstroke

Battersea Dogs & Cats Home says that it can take as little as 15 minutes for dogs to develop heatstroke when they are overheated, so it’s very important to avoid hot environments and also to keep an eye out for signs of distress.

Signs of overheating in dogs

  • Heavy panting and gums that are bright red or blue
  • Drowsiness or the inability to stay awake
  • Fitting or collapsing
  • Vomiting and diarrhoea
  • Drooling excessively

How hot is too hot to leave a dog in the car?

According to the RSPCA, even days that feel reasonable can actually be too hot for leaving a dog in a car. When it’s 22 degrees Celsius outside, a car could reach 47 degrees within an hour, which is hot enough to cause distress, suffering and harm.

Be sure to minimise car time where you can and don’t leave your dog alone while you’re parked when the weather is hot.Text here ...