A fully electric vehicle draws energy from an external power source, which is then stored within the vehicle’s battery for later use. It doesn’t rely on a combustion engine, therefore, doesn’t require an exhaust system which produces harmful C02 gasses.
As a result of this, it’s the most environmentally friendly method to drive, further, saving road users thousands on fuel and tax costs. Increasing innovating means that ‘Range Anxiety’ is no longer a concern for EV users.
Typically, an electric vehicle chassis will look like the one below. Electric Vehicles consist of the following;
Battery – A battery which stores power. Some hybrid vehicles are charged via an external power source, whereas, others are charged by a combination of regenerative braking and power created from the combustion engine. Like a combustion engine, batteries are equipped with cooling technology, in order to prevent overheating and maintain battery life.
Charging Plug – Purely electric vehicles some types of hybrid vehicles are charged via an external energy source, therefore, require a charging socket.
Drivetrain – As with any vehicle, the drivetrain consists of components such as the gearbox; clutch and differential. Which send power to the wheels in order to make the vehicle move. The drivetrain location and components will depend on the vehicle type.
A hybrid uses part EV technology, combined with a traditional combustion engine. There are many kinds of hybrid vehicles, for example;
Hybrid Electric Vehicles recharge particularly due to regenerative braking and don’t rely on an external electricity source.
Further, the combustion engine creates the power which is then stored by the battery for later use. Typically, HEVs will use the electric motor at low speeds, with the combustion engine taking over when higher speed is required.
Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles are plugged into an external source to charge their battery, hence the term ‘Plug-In Hybrid.
PHEVs use both an electric motor and a combustion engine, with the electric motor typically lasting around 30 miles before the petrol or diesel engine takes over. Making them ideal for both inner-city and long-distance driving.