Every qualified driver is aware that indicating is important, but many may not realise the seriousness of failing to do so. Forget to indicate, and as well as causing a collision, you could be fined up to £5000, receive up to nine points on your license, and in serious cases — be disqualified. Drivers who don’t indicate can be charged under the ‘careless and inconsiderate driving’ offence or ‘driving without due care and attention’.
It may feel silly to indicate when there are no other cars on the road, but it can help to maintains the habit, while giving pedestrians a heads-up to your intentions.
What does the highway code say about indicating?
Giving clear signals to other road users and pedestrians helps to prevent collisions.
You are advised to:
• give clear signals in plenty of time, having checked it is not misleading to signal at that time
• use them to advise other road users before changing course or direction, stopping, or moving off
• cancel them after use
• make sure your signals will not confuse others. If, for instance, you want to stop after a side road, do not signal until you are passing the road. If you signal earlier, it may give the impression that you intend to turn into the road. Your brake lights will warn traffic behind you that you are slowing down
• use an arm signal to emphasise or reinforce your signal if necessary. Remember that signalling does not give you priority.