Stop 1: Duns Castle

History. Beauty. Tranquillity.

Address: Duns Castle Estate, Duns, Berwickshire, Scottish Borders, TD11 3NW

Duns Castle, located in the Scottish Borders, is a historic fortress with origins dating back to the 14th century. The castle features a blend of architectural styles due to various modifications over the centuries, most notably in the 19th century when it was remodelled by the architect James Gillespie Graham. Surrounded by extensive parkland and scenic gardens, Duns Castle is not only a private residence but also serves as an exclusive venue for events and weddings, offering a picturesque and storied backdrop for any occasion.

Our entourage of vehicles from the tour will arrive here for around 12:30am and we will depart for around 1:15pm. Mr and Mrs Hay, the castle owners, have kindly granted us full use of the castle front and we will have a famous Scottish ice cream van providing delicious ice creams to our guests during this stop.

It would be rude not to utilise this gorgeous back-drop as a photo opportunity, so we will have all cars lined up nicely along the front.

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