Our approved Mercedes-Benz Accident Repair Centre will ensure that your car is looked after to the highest standards. From a small scratch to a full restoration, Eastern Western Accident Repair Centre will restore your Mercedes to the pristine condition that it left the showroom in.
We guarantee that only the finest quality Mercedes-Benz parts are used in our approved body shop and that repairs are carried out to the highest standards. What’s more, when you use Eastern Wstern Accident Repair Centre you have the added comfort of knowing that all work will be carried out to Mercedes-Benz standards of quality.
If you are having body repairs done as part of an insurance claim, insist on the work being done at the Eastern Western Mercedes-Benz approved bodyshop. It’s well within your rights. And it guarantees a quality of workmanship that will return your car to its original condition – pristine, all over.
To arrange for your Mercedes-Benz body repair please contact us