Few people have more than one accident every six years which means that most people are unaware of how to manage the post accident process with the least inconvenience. At Accident Exchange, we help around 100,000 people a year navigate their way through the maze. We have set out below the steps you might expect in your journey with us.
As soon as possible after your involvement in an accident call us on 0800 404 9999
Please have as much information as you can to hand relating to the accident circumstances and the details of the third party. We need you to let us have details of the third party vehicle registration, the vehicle make and model, the insurance company and the insurance policy number together with your details and the name and address of any witnesses.
Talk to our experts
We are usually able to establish who was to blame for the accident in a matter of minutes based on the description you provide. We may occasionally need to make some further enquiries but these are usually handled rapidly. Even though most incidents are relatively straight forward, wherever possible, photographs of the location and damage to your vehicle are very helpful.
We organise your repairs
We are usually able to establish who was to blame for the accident in a matter of minutes based on the description you provide. We may occasionally need to make some further enquiries but these are usually handled rapidly. Even though most incidents are relatively straight forward, wherever possible, photographs of the location and damage to your vehicle are very helpful.
We provide you with a replacement vehicle, delivered to you
Where we are satisfied that another identifiable party was at fault for the accident, we will provide you with a replacement vehicle for the period that you are deprived of the use of your vehicle. This cost will be recovered from the insurer of the negligent third party. The vehicle will be delivered at a time and location convenient for you.
Insurance Protection
For your added protection and peace of mind, we are able to arrange an insurance policy on your behalf which (subject to the terms and conditions of the policy) protects you from having to pay our charges in the event that they are not recovered from the at fault driver or their insurer. Subject to certain qualifying criteria, we provide this cover free of charge when you hire a vehicle from us - we pay the insurance premium on your behalf. We will provide you with further details of this insurance policy before we deliver a car to you.
Establish whether any additional losses are recoverable
If your vehicle is used for commercial purposes, for example a driving instructor, we will be able to help you establish the recoverability of a loss of earnings. We will also advise you in respect of a claim for personal injury or diminution.
We monitor your vehicle repairs
We regularly assess the progress of repairs to your vehicle and update you as required.
You collect your repaired vehicle
Once repairs to your vehicle are complete, we will contact you to arrange a convenient time for you to collect your vehicle. Please use our vehicle to get to the repairer to collect yours. You will be asked to sign a repair satisfaction note by the body repair shop upon collecting your vehicle. We will then collect our vehicle from the repairer.
Once you have your vehicle back
We will speak to you to confirm that we have details of every loss you have suffered as a result of the accident.
We will then send the insurer of the negligent driver a payment pack which will include details and supporting documentation for all of the losses you have sustained.
We reach settlement with the Third Party Insurer on the hire of the vehicle and any recoverable losses
At this point you will receive reimbursement of your policy excess if you have had to make such a payment, together with any other losses settled on your behalf.