Provided by the AA, Lexus Roadside Assistance gives you complete roadside reassurance. If anything does happen to your car, help will be on its way to you anywhere in the UK, and in 44 countries across Europe.
UK Breakdowns or Accidents -
0800 246 866
24 hours a day, 365 days a year
European Breakdowns Assistance -
0044 1737 500 024
24 hours a day, 365 days a year
Membership and General Enquiries -
0800 169 0393
Mon - Fri 8am - 6pm
Terms and Conditions:
For more information please contact your local Lexus Centre or download our Lexus Roadside Assistance brochure.
*. Cover provided to replace consumables; driver is responsible for cost of replacement parts.
**. Up to £150 per person to a maximum of £500.