What is Lexus Warranty?
You could receive up to 10 years warranty up until your vehicle is 10
years old or has reached 100k miles. This additional warranty is made up
of the 3 years manufacturer warranty plus 7 years’ service activated
warranty* giving you a chance to relax in the knowledge that you and
your vehicle are in safe hands.
*Terms and Conditions apply.
If I change Centre, how can I prove there is an active warranty on the vehicle to another Centre?
order to understand if a vehicle is covered by Lexus Warranty, the Centre
will check the Central Warranty System (CWS) where the active contract
will be shown against the vehicle's VIN.
If I purchase a new vehicle, when does the vehicle become eligible for the Lexus Warranty?
purchasing a new car, your vehicle is covered by a three year
manufacturer's warranty. The vehicle will become eligible for Lexus Warranty when a full or interim service is completed within 12 months of
the manufacturer's warranty expiring.
If I purchase a used car, when does the vehicle become eligible for the Lexus Warranty?
you purchase a used car, your vehicle is covered by a one year
manufacturer's warranty. The vehicle will become eligible for Lexus Warranty when a full or interim service is completed (approximately 12
months later).
What happens to the Hybrid Health Check and hybrid component and battery cover?
hybrid vehicles, the service will include a Hybrid Health Check to
extend the hybrid component and battery warranty cover. If the vehicle
is eligible for the hybrid components and battery cover will be included
in the same Lexus Warranty contract until 10 years or 100,000 miles,
whichever is soonest. You can then independently extend the hybrid
component and battery warranty cover for up to 15 years and unlimited
mileage by having a Hybrid Health Check.
What if the car has missed previous services?
the vehicle has never been serviced at a Lexus Centre or has missed a
scheduled service, you can still benefit from Lexus Warranty, so long as
the 3 year / 60,000 mile (whichever comes first) manufacturer warranty
has expired and the vehicle is less than 10 years old or has driven less
than 100,000 miles.
Will the warranty be transferrable from owner to owner?
Yes, this is a key benefit. If you wish to sell your vehicle, the next
owner will inherit the benefits of an extended warranty and will be able
to extend this further by maintaining the vehicle with an official
Lexus Centre.